Atbash Core Profile Jakarta EE

CDI 4.0 Lite and Potential Pitfalls

The CDI Lite specification is specifically created for the new Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile. This lite version is created to allow the discovery of CDI bans and preparation of the CDI container at build time.

This blog goes a bit deeper into a potential problem that you can encounter when building Core profile applications and running them on a Jakarta runtime concerning this CDI 4.0 Lite.

CDI Lite

To populate the CDI container with all the beans and the metadata to create the beans on demand like for the RequestScoped context, the CDI code needs to perform some initialisation.

Until now, the only available option is to perform a scan of the classpath and find the classes eligible as a CDI bean. Another source for beans is the CDI Portable Extensions that can register additional beans programmatically by the runtime or the application itself.

In the last few years, there are many initiatives to reduce the startup time of applications in various ways. The scanning of the classpath is a process that can be moved to the build phase if you have all classes available at build time. As you know, the JVM allows additional classes and libraries are added at runtime that was not available at build time. So, in case you move the metadata and bean discovery to build time, you need to make sure all classes are known and available or you need to provide the info.

The CDI Lite specification introduced the BuildCompatibleExtension interface to have the ability to move the scanning to the build phase of your application. This mechanism works similarly to the CDI Portable Extensions, where you have the opportunity to execute some methods during one of the 5 phases of the process.

At the same time, some classes are marked as not relevant for CDI Lite, as they are not really useful for the applications that are built with the Core Profile. Examples are the SessionScope and ConversationScope since REST applications are typically stateless. Keeping session information is in this case not required.

One single API artefact

The underlying narrative for creating the CDI Lite solution makes sense, but the single API solution is less obvious.

CDI lite contains most of the classes of the previous version of CDI and a few additional ones, like the BuildCompatibleExtension interface.
CDI full comprises CDI lite and a few additional concepts like the SessionScoped annotation that were available from the previous version of CDI but which didn’t fit into the CDI lite concept.

But the CDI 4.0 API artefact contains all classes, those of CDI Lite and CDI full.

Your project has only the option to add this single CDI API dependency to your project, as provided since the runtime has already these classes. And when your application is compiled and built against this API, it might fail at runtime.

You as a developer could have used or referenced a class from the CDI Full specification but you use a Core Profile certified runtime. This runtime only needs to support the CDI Lite classes and is not required to implement the other ones of CDI Full. So the application you successfully build fails at runtime. And you didn’t get notified of this problem during build time.

Testing for CDI Full classes usage

For this reason, I have created a small library that can inform you if you made use of one of the CDI Full classes in your code. You can write a test based on this code that fails when you make use of such a class. This way you get warned upfront that it might not run in production.

To make use of this library, add the following dependency to your project


With this dependency, you can write the following test method

void testCompliance() {
    TestCoreProfile tester = new TestCoreProfile("be.atbash");

The TestCoreProfile can determine those classes in the package you specify as a parameter, and in sub-packages, where you make use of a CDI Full class. If the list is empty, you are safe and good to go running it on a Core profile implementation.

Instead of using your top-level package, you can also specify a package from one of the CDI libraries that you have added to your project. This will tell you if that CDI library is safe to use on a Core Profile product.


CDI Lite groups all concepts of the CDI specification that is supported on the new Jakarta EE Core Profile. It also allows gathering information for the CDI container at build time.
But there is only 1 single artefact, containing all CDI Lite and Full classes. This means that even if your application compiles and builds successfully, it might fail on a Core Profile product. This is because you used some CDI Full-only classes that are not supported in Core Profile.
With the Jakarta Core Tester, you can find out if you referenced one of the CDI Full classes and it will run safely on your runtime.

Want to lean more about Jakarta EE 10 Core Profile?

This topic was discussed during my JakartaOne LiveStream event of 2022. Have a look at the presentation if you want to know more about the Core Profile “Explore the new Jakarta EE Core Profile“.

Atbash Training and Support

Do you need a specific training session on Jakarta or MicroProfile? Or do you need some help in getting up and running with your next project? Have a look at the training support that I provide on the page and contact me for more information.


Project setup

Generating (Maven) Projects


The first thing we do when starting a new application is setting up our project. A lot of people use Maven for this, and you have various options how you can do this.
Since I create a lot of projects for testing out various features of the Atbash projects or for trying things out (I have around 300 projects on my computer today) I was searching for some help to do this.

Application setup

When trying things out, I need to have some minimal project setup. Not only do I need the Maven pom file with the required dependencies, I also need some files like configuration or a login file for Octopus.

I do not need to have tools to generate me the JPA entities, JSF Screens or JAX-RS endpoints. Creating a few of them is not difficult with the current IDE’s and that automatic generation is mostly too opinionated so that it is not usable in production systems either.

So what are the options to have this minimal project setup

Copy and Paste

You can always copy such a minimal project you have already created and made some modifications to

  • Change the groupId and artifactId of the pom file
  • Update the dependencies
  • Update the configuration file to match your new dependencies and use case you want to test out.
  • Change the java package with your java code
  • Add or remove code depending on the feature for this use case.

This is a valid procedure and in most cases the most efficient one. You don’t need to learn any new tool, extend it with your features (Like Octopus in my case) but of course, it is not the most fun way of doing things.

JBoss Forge

JBoss Forge is a tool specifically designed to get your application up and running fast. It not only generates the project for you but also can help you in generating those well-structured classes like JPA entities, JAX-RS endpoints, and screens with JSF or Angular(JS).

I used it in the past and it can be a valuable tool but it is not the right thing for what I want.
Although you can generate your maven project, you need a script and/or a custom add-on for the features that I want (specific dependencies within the pom.xml file and some configuration and java files)

It also has a lot of options to generate code for you, but again this is sometimes opinionated and not what you or your company wants to use.

Other tools

Since there are various other tools on the internet, the topic seems to be important for a lot of people. Similar tools which I found are generjee and factorEE.
Not all of them are maintained anymore or do focus on the wrong things (for my use case) like generating code.
I also find a CLI very important in this case since it allows you to create an application very rapidly (and recreate it based on the same configuration)


So, due to the lack of the right tool for me, I created one of my own called Jessie (Java EE Start project as it was geared at that time towards Java EE). Last year with the release of CDI 2.0, I did a rewrite of it using the Java SE CDI container and included the usage of ThymeLeaf as templating mechanism so that it became easier to generate files which can be customized.

In the OpenSource spirit of Atbash, I placed the code on Github  and created a front end for it.
You can play with it on the OpenShift V3 instance  or can download the code that just needs a few parameters within a YAML config file and the CLI version generates your project.

The first version has support for Java EE and additional frameworks like DeltaSpike, PrimeFaces, and Octopus, the security framework.

Since I’m also involved with MicroProfile lately, a version for MicroProfile and the support for the different vendor implementation like LibertyIO, WildFly Swarm, Payara Micro etc will be created later on.


When setting up a new project, the most efficient solution is creating it from scratch or start from a similar existing project and make the required adaptations.
Another useful tool is JBoss Forge, mainly when you are interested in generating some code.

Jessie has been created a few years ago as a toy and now available on GitHub and it was a good learning opportunity for CDI 2.0, templating with ThymeLeaf and creating a tool which runs in multiple environments (CLI, Java FX, Web/JSF)

Maybe it is also helpful for you.

Have fun.


Programmatic CDI access and Unit testing


There are situations where you need to access the CDI system programmatically, instead of using annotations like @Inject

  • You want to retrieve a CDI bean within a context (class) which isn’t CDI-aware.
  • It is easier to retrieve an optional or multiple beans programmatically instead of using Instance.

Since CDI 1.1 (Java EE 6), this can be easily achieved by using


The programmatic access is most useful if you are creating a library/framework or some reusable piece of functionality. But I guess everyone who creates more than 1 application is in the situation where things can be reused.

This blog shows the equivalent programmatic constructs but most importantly, how you can unit test your bean in those cases (no CDI container needed!)

Optional CDI bean

An optional bean is interesting in the situation where you define some basic functionality but in case the developer defines a CDI bean implementing the interface, that custom developer logic is executed.

public interface SomeInterface {}
// with classic injection
private Instance<SomeInterface> optional;

   // Within a method
   if (!optional.isUnsatisfied()) {
// programmatic
// Within method
Instance<SomeInterface> instance = CDI.current().select(SomeInterface.class);
instance.isUnsatisfied() ? null : instance.get();

Multiple beans

Within a Chain of Responsibility pattern or the situation where you can have multiple add-ons which perform some logic in a certain situation, are the ideal situations for having multiple CDI beans implementing an interface.

// with classic injection
private Instance<SomeInterface> addonInstances;

   // Within a method
   List<SomeInterface> addons = new ArrayList<>();

// programmatic
// Within a method
List<SomeInterface> addons = new ArrayList<>();
for (SomeInterface addon : CDI.current().select(SomeInterface.class)) {

Sending Events

One of the nice features of CDI is the ability to sends events between consumers and producers without the need of registering the consumers with the producer for example.

Producing the Event can be done using

// with classic injection
private Event<Payload> payloadEvent;

   // Within a method Payload());
// programmatic
// within a method
CDI.current().getBeanManager().fireEvent(new Payload());

Unit Testing

Now that you have used some CDI bean retrievals in a programmatic fashion, what happens when you execute a unit test?

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unable to access CDI

When running with plain Java, without any CDI container, you get this message because the API doesn’t contain an implementation, only the specification of the behavior.

You can of course switch to integration testing, where you launch a proper CDI container. But you can, of course, stay with your basic unit testing and have a simple, minimalistic Cdi container implementation (which is by the way not very difficult to create)

Suppose we have following code

public SomeInterface readOptionalInstance() {
   Instance<SomeInterface> instance = CDI.current().select(SomeInterface.class);
   return instance.isUnsatisfied() ? null : instance.get();

And we like to test this piece of code then the optional bean is not defined with something like this

public void readOptionalInstance_NotPresent() {

We need a simple CDI implementation. This is provided by the be.atbash.util.BeanManagerFake class, available in the tests artifact of atbash utils-cdi.



The CDI fake container (as in not real implementation, maybe not the correct term in the test concepts Dummy/Fake/Stub/Spy) is using Mockito underneath, so that is also a dependency we need to add to the project.

The test can then be adapted as follow

private BeanManagerFake beanManagerFake = new BeanManagerFake();

public void cleanup() {

public void readOptionalInstance_NotPresent() {

We can instantiate the BeanManagerFake as a regular bean. Important here is the deregistration method after the test is finished. It is the idea to keep the fake CDI container between tests alive but only clear the contents. In the current version, the container is also unset which makes it necessary that the beanManagerFake variable is an instance variable (and not a class variable)

With the endRegistration method, we signal that all configuration of the CDI container has taken place and that the operational modus can start. It can give some instances of interfaces if needed as in our test example.

Here we didn’t register anything, so we get a null back.

This is updated test class which contains also a test in the case we specify an instance in the CDI container.

public class ViewBeanTest {

   private ViewBean viewBean = new ViewBean();

   private SomeInterface mockClass;

   private BeanManagerFake beanManagerFake = new BeanManagerFake();

   public void cleanup() {

   public void readOptionalInstance_NotPresent() {

   public void readOptionalInstance_Present() {
      beanManagerFake.registerBean(mockClass, SomeInterface.class);
      Assert.assertTrue(viewBean.readOptionalInstance() == mockClass)

You can see that we can define a mock (with the @Mock of Mockito) as a bean within the CDI container with the registered bean. We supply the instance and the type to which this instance must be bound. Within CDI, an instance can be bound to multiple class instances like the class itself, the interface, Object.class etc …) This is also possible with BeanManagerFake as the second parameter of the registerBean method is a varargs with all the class values.

And if you run the above test, you will see they are all green, so we, in fact, get the exact instance of the CDI bean (here the mock) back as the return value of the method.

Of course, when you have very complex Cdi constructions, it is better to test them in a real CDI container. But if the focus is on the business logic, the simple CDI container for testing will do.


The code of BeanManagerFake is available in the Atbash utils GitHub repository and artifacts are on Maven Central.


Using the programmatic interfaces of the CDI container is easier in those cases where you need to retrieve optional or multiple CDI beans. And of course in the context where the dependency injection isn’t available. And with the help of the BeanManagerFake, a simple CDI container for testing, Unit tests are possible which make is easier then to set up a full blown integration test with a container.

Have fun.

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