
First release of Atbash Configuration project


Although configuration is important and essential in any application, there is no real standardization available today.

There were several attempts to create a standard around it so that each application could read his parameters in a consistent way. But as of today, there is no final standardization, nor within Java SE, not within Java EE.

Since it is so important, The Eclipse MicroProfile project created a specification for reading parameters in their Micro-services architecture. And it was almost the first thing they did (which highlights the importance they gave it). That work is now continued under the wings of the JCP (as JSR-382) so that it can become a real standard within Java SE and Java EE.

Instead of using other frameworks and libraries which have support for reading configuration, I wanted to switch to the MicroProfile Config project. Because I wanted to be prepared for the feature but encountered a few issues.

Short version

Adapted the code of MicroProfile Config API and Apache Geronimo config to Java 7 and added my own extensions which compose Atbash Config.

The Maven artefacts are available on Maven Central and the user manual is here.

My issues with MicroProfile Config project

Issue is a heavy term, my requirements are not (yet) available within the Config project but the good thing is that they are planned within the JCP specification work.

I want to read configuration parameters

  1. With Java 7
  2. For any Java EE project, not limited to Eclipse MicroProfile applications.
  3. Use single artefact which contains the configuration parameters for different environments embedded in it (within different files)
  4. Use YAML structured configuration files.

And that is not possible for the moment because

  • The MicroProfile Config project is build using Java 8 code structures. So it is not possible to run it in a Java 7 environment.
  • The Apache Geronimo Configuration project implements the API and is a very good candidate to use in my Java EE programs. Because it is created as a standalone project (not as part of a server like other implementation such as Payara, KumuluzEE, WebSphere Liberty or others) and thus you can add this dependency to any Java EE application. But configuration file name is still related to MicroProfile (/META-INF/
  • MicroProfile Config project has support for overruling properties by specifying them in the environment or as JVM system parameters. But there is no feature to define multiple files nor the ability to define multiple files within the artefact for each environment.
  • Only properties files are supported. And when you have larger projects, it can be handy to use a YAML structure so that it is more clear which properties are closely related.


Adapt MicroProfile Config API and Apache Geronimo Configuration.

Except for the first issue, support for Java 7, my own configuration extension could be a solution for my requirements. So I had no other choice than to copy the code and adapt it. And although the code is licensed under the Apache OpenSource license (which allows me to do this) it doesn’t feel right. So I want to thank explicitly all those committers that created the code for their wonderful work and I also made explicitly a reference within the notice file and documentation.

Atbash configuration extension

The extension consist of a custom implementation of the ConfigSource interface. That way I’m able to register another source for reading configuration parameters and fulfill my other 3 requirements.

– Implement the BaseConfigurationName interface and define the class also for the ServiceLoader mechanism. Now I’m able to use any filename like or demo.yaml when the value demo is specified as the base name.
– By specifying the environment with the JVM system parameter -S, I can add a prefix to the filename and supply additional or override parameters for a certain environment
– YAML file support is implemented with the use of Snakeyaml where the file is converted to key-value pairs.

For more information, you can read the manual.

Getting started

There are 3 ways how you can use the Maven artefacts

1. Use plain MicroProfile config with Java 7.

Add the adapted Geronimo config code to your project


2. Use the Atbash configuration extension with Java 7

You need the Geronimo config and atbash config project



3. Use the Atbash configuration extension with Java 8

In this scenario, you don’t need the adapted code and can use the regular implementations




MicroProfile Config is the first real standardization around reading parameters for configuration. They have built their implementations on top of Java 8.

So when you need a general usable library with Java EE 7 (which is using Java 7 as a base version), you can use the Atbash config code (adapted from the MicroProfile Config API and Apache Geronimo config as implementation) which has a few handy extensions.

This makes you future proof at the time JSR-382 will be adopted by the different application servers.

Thank you for reading until the bottom of this blog entry and have ave fun.

2 replies on “First release of Atbash Configuration project”

Hi, you didn’t need to patch Geronimo to solve the issues 2,3 and 4. Instead, a custom pprtable ConfigSource supported by every Microprofile implementation including Geronimo would solve all of them. You need to implement the ConfigSource interface and register it using the service loader mechanism. A config source could then read config from any file, in any format including YAML, and it can read select appropriate config file based on the environment. If you do it, your extension would be more general, compatible with any Microprofile Config implementation, not only Geronimo. Also, have a look at Apache Tamaya and Apache Deltaspike Config which provide similar functionality already, although I’m not sure whether they already provide MP Config API.

I’m Microprofile committer and worked on the Config API, contact me if you need more guidance.

Hi Ondro,

I only patched Geronimo config to make it run on Java 7 (artefact be.atbash.config:geronimo-config), issues 2, 3, 4 are an ‘addon’ (artefact be.atbash.config:atbash-config) and can be generally used with any MicroProfile config implementation.

Sorry if this isn’t clear enough stated in the text.

Apache Tamaya and Apache Deltaspike Config have indeed also some configuration options but not MP Config compliant and missing one of the features I needed.

Thx, Rudy

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